Mind over Matter – Quadrille

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com
chauffeurs slumber
through internal labyrinths
fuelled by slow breaths
driving healing calm
dissipating clamours of my racing heart
that craves peace but cannot sleep
I relinquish control
to torpor
restless legs surrender the fight
muscle spasms soften
brain fog lays unnoticed
welcome relief

Written in response to Punam’s prompt at dversepoets to write a quadrille using the word slumber. To find out more or join at https://dversepoets.com/2024/03/04/quadrille-196-lets-have-a-slumber-party/

22 thoughts on “Mind over Matter – Quadrille

    1. When I first learnt to meditate I would always fall asleep (and yes lovely) but now can actually mediate for 5/10 minutes and it can restore my balance, reduce anxiety and aid my ability to focus on what’s really important…. Live in the moment 😊


  1. I was so intrigued from the beginning with “Meditation/ chauffeurs slumber/ through internal labyrinths” . The poem alone, was very calming. I have not tried meditation, but I’m sure I need to.

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