Tanka; Aloneness vs Loneliness

Photo by Engin Akyurt on Pexels.com
Solitude soothes souls
That thirst tranquil time alone
To sit with silence
Company deprived or torn
Leads to hellish loneliness

6 thoughts on “Tanka; Aloneness vs Loneliness

    1. I agree, on that day I felt very ill quite frightened and lonely wanting someone to just be able to be with me, but there was no one -!at that time and it felt horrible. It made me empathise for homeless and people without that crave company …

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      1. I understand that. When my life gets hard, and I experience extreme mental unrest, I often think of people whose situations are perhaps “worse” than mine, and how they manage mentally and emotionally, if that makes sense. I hope today brings you happiness.❤️

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